Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sun Over Ocean


Anonymous said...

These two have to be my favorite pieces of yours. I love how the left one looks like it has a little bit of sky in it, with the white and the red streaks through it and yet it's still quite ambiguous with the water. To me the right one captures the mysterious depths of the ocean, and how no matter what you think an object is, the cloudiness of the depths prevent it from coming into focus. The dark and sea foam/teal greens give it a very organic quality to the piece as well. Both are really intriguing.

-Jon (the guy you met in the painting section of the college bookstore)

Sheena Zilinski said...


I'm so happy you've looked at my color :)

I loved doing these paintings. And how you think of them is exactly what I was trying to convey...

It started off with one. The one minus the sun (righthandside) I originally called it "drowning peacock"
But it didn't feel complete. So I did a continuation and infiltrated the sun... I donated these two pieces to a charity auction... I looooved giving them to the cause.